Just a reminder...Originally shared by Roland TakaokaJoin the LIVE CONVERSATION by clicking the link below:https://stroketv.net/live-stream/stroke-talk-q-and-a-contest-rules-and-entry/"Teach a man to fish... and woman and kids, too!"
I'm a bit behind on the contest entry and the rules. But, as of this Friday's show, we should be good to go.
As is my tradition, I do not usually hold random drawings. This is for a couple reasons...
#1 is that I do not want to give away a prize of little value to the recipient. I prefer that there is a need and a benefit.
#2 is that I am devoting my time as part of the award. And it is important that the recipient is willing to be a worthy participant in receiving that which I am willing to give.
There are other factors I'm considering. But the main two other than the above issues is that the prize value is understood, and that as benefit is received there is further intention to pass on something resulting from that benefit - a sort of "pay-it-forward" factor.
The vision I have is to be involved in a positive energy that may originate with the StrokeTV movement, but will have wave-upon-wave of ongoing goodwill.One of my favorite sayings is,
"teach a man to fish." Now, perhaps not obvious is the concept that, to me, the word "man" applies to "mankind," and therefore is inclusive of all genders, races, colors, and creeds. So, rather than just give a gift of gear (camera/mic/headset/whatever…) I intend to impart valuable training with the prize package that may be of far greater value.
As training progresses, it is my vision that the prize recipient may find himself-or-herself able to produce a live streaming video show, make videos for YouTube, make podcasts if preferred, or just call a friend or relative in a video call if that is what is most desired.
Not everyone has to be a live streaming show creator. However, having the skills needed to do so, what would YOU do?
We’ll all probably agree - it must be enlightening.
I believe it has the power to change game.
Aaron and I will see you right here in this week’s #StrokeTalkQandA session 11:00 AM PST - right here!
#livestreaming #stroketalkQandA #stroketv