Just a reminder...
Originally shared by DearMYRTLE
18 Oct 2018 (Thursday)
España por favor: Spanish Records and Resources with Debbie Gurtler.
The live broadcast starts at 9pm Eastern US (New York), 8pm Central US (Chicago), 7pm Mountain US (Denver, Salt Lake City), 6pm Pacific US (Los Angeles).
Are you trying to trace ancestors in Spain? This class will teach you how to find records, both online and in the archives of Spain. You’ll come away with an understanding of the various record types and what clues they might hold. Sound research methodology will be discussed as will aids to help you read the Spanish handwritten records once you’ve found them.
Debbie works at the Family History Library in Salt Lake City. In addition to helping guests with ancestors from Spain, Latin America, Italy and Portugal, she is the manager of the Simplified Learning team. She graduated with a BA in Family History from Brigham Young University. She is fluent in Spanish, having lived in South America for over five years. She regularly presents classes in English and Spanish and is an Accredited Genealogist® for Spain and the US, Mid-South region.
Registration: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_vSs6OYy1Sh67Ctho-B0RMw
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